New Course: AWS Cloud Automation and PowerShell

In this 207-video, intermediate-to-advanced training, SPOTO trainer Trevor Sullivan covers the knowledge you need to programmatically configure, deploy and manage your AWS cloud resources and tasks with PowerShell commands and functionality.

This PowerShell and AWS training is a great example.

Automating cloud resources or tasks is a quantum leap forward in any network. PowerShell not only has the tools to automate these tasks, but also much of AWS functionality was programmed to encourage PowerShell interaction.

This 32-part series discusses topics like reducing administrative effort when managing AWS, automating deployment of dozens or even thousands of instances or workspaces, and specifying which credentials you will use when interacting directly with AWS.

You can watch a video from the series here:

This PowerShell is available for AWS training on the following topics:

PowerShell allows you to monitor AWS account billing data

Amazon WorkSpaces can be deployed with PowerShell

PowerShell Applications can be built and deployed to the Serverless Application Repository.

PowerShell allows you to manage Amazon DynamoDB tables

AWS Configure Compliance Rules can be deployed with AWS Tools For PowerShell

PowerShell: Managing Amazon Elastic Block Store Volumes (EBS)

PowerShell enables you to manage AWS CloudTrail Audit Logs

Create Amazon EC2 Launch templates with PowerShell or AWS CloudFormation

PowerShell is used to manage Amazon CloudWatch logs and write them.

Schedule AWS Lambda Functions using Amazon EventBridge or PowerShell

This training includes:

33 hours of training

207 videos

Learn PowerShell now!


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